Get behind our music this May

New Zealand Music Month is a celebration of our music created here in Aotearoa. Each May, we highlight the emerging musical talent across our country.

Friday 3 May is NZ Music T-Shirt Day. A fundraising initiative for MusicHelps to raise much needed funds for those who use music to help and heal.

NZ Music T-Shirt Day Friday 3 May

MusicHelps is the charity that develops projects in the community that use music to support the most vulnerable. From music therapy sessions, music programs in respite and palliative care, music education programs for the at-risk and vulnerable, and rehabilitation programs. They also provide free professional counselling and emergency financial and wellbeing support to kiwi music workers.

To get your hands on a T-Shirt visit and Donate here

Here are our Top 5 Promotion Ideas for your business:

1. MUSIC MAKERS ARE EVERYWHERE. You may have some talented artist on your payroll who might be comfortable doing a shoutout, or maybe even a live gig (for a fee of course)

2. STAFF ENGAGEMENT. Do you know what the top ranked Kiwi songs are in your business? Why not ask your staff on your intranet to get them in the music month spirit

3. THE BIG DAY. No need to stop at T-Shirts, get NZ tunes pumping across your airwaves. Connect with your staff or if you have one, your music supplier.

4. MUSIC FANS. Nothing stopping you from representing NZ music by wearing your own favourite artists or bands merch.

5. SOCIAL LOVE. Share the results and other music titbits on your socials. Don’t forget to tag us.
You're welcome to use this post below.

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STEP 2:  Right click and save the image
STEP 3:  Donate and post!
Proud Supporter
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