Hedley’s Books - Music to a reader’s ears

Having survived world wars, depressions, recessions, and pandemics, Hedley’s Books has stayed a constant in Masterton since 1907. This independent bookshop can be found in the heart of the Wairarapa region, about an hour and a half north of Wellington.

David and Jenny Hedley, the third-generation guardians of the store, were preceded by 16 members of the Hedley family—shaping the store into what it is today. Their humble beginnings started with William Hedley, initially selling the newly formed Dominion newspaper from the back of his bike, and setting up a newsagent’s shop 117 years ago.

David and Jenny Hedley

Maybe it’s because they’ve survived a tumultuous history, but in 2024, Hedley’s has mastered the art of calm. Mornings at Hedley’s usually start peacefully, with the tempo building throughout the day. Their playlists are OneMusic licensed, ensuring all creatives are supported, which is integral to Hedley’s values. The music in the store also reflects the projects the store is currently working on.

Music both visually and audibly decorates our store to create an Aladdin’s cave for music lovers.

When you walk into Hedley’s, you are met with walls decorated with memorabilia from music legends, with music playing in the background to match the atmosphere. The walls are adorned with images of Jimmy Page’s guitars, photographs taken by The Beatles, and leather-bound books housing memorabilia from iconic gigs.

The store has a focus on art and history, saving a soft spot for music books. Over the years, Hedley’s Books has built a relationship with rock ’n’ roll publishers Genesis Publications in the UK, helping them promote books from The Beatles to The Beach Boys and The Rolling Stones. 

Hedley’s Books

The store is stocked with thousands of titles, making it a paradise for all book lovers. All walks of life come into the store looking for books from various niche subjects.

For the family the best part about being in retail, and in particular books, is the window you get into the unique interests and lives of the people that walk through the shop door.

The Hedleys speak to their belief that different forms of art are intertwined. Those who are lovers of books also tend to appreciate music, art, photography, and culture of all kinds. Hedley’s uses music as a tool to create an atmosphere that welcomes lovers of the arts.

The sort of person who loves books often is also a lover of music, art, photography, culture of all kinds. So, using music to create an atmosphere that cultured people enjoy spending time in is critical to our business.

Visit Hedley’s Books at 150 Queen Street, Masterton 5810


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