BOMBA: Inspired Italian cook crafts pizzas to the tune of the beat

Co-owners, Ed Monteschio and his wife Jeneve Williams bring their Italian expertise to the scenic port side of Christchurch in Lyttelton. The quaint restaurant serves authentic Italian food from gelato to pizzas while adoring the diversity of hospitality.

Head to the charming South Island town of Lyttelton, and you’ll find Bomba. It started as a gelateria, but in the past five years, has made a name for itself as a go-to for authentic Napoli cuisine.

This hidden treasure for foodies is fuelled by Ed and his wife, Jeneve’s love for music, lifting the mood up in not only the restaurant but in their kitchen too.

Bomba’s OneMusic licence lets them choose from a variety of music genres and even allows them to choose specific Italian music that perfectly fits their restaurant.

For Ed, diversity is the best part of being in hospitality. From new experiences to new songs he’s listening to, “music is crucial for our operation as a little Italian place in Lyttelton.”

“Music gives us authenticity in many ways, it’s an important part of our brand.”

The restaurant takes pride in their music choices. It stands out from the other local Italian places in Christchurch, who play a very different style to Bomba.

Ed says, “We play Italian music, but never the obvious ones. We try to bring to our business what the young Italians are listening to right now in Italy.”

These upbeat Italian pop songs maintain the happy vibe throughout the day at Bomba for the team as they serve up pizzas, calzones and gelatos to customers.

When choosing songs for their playlist Ed says he always thinks, “would this song make me want a gelato? If it’s a yes, it’s a good song.”

Ed’s personal passion for Neapolitan food drives Bomba. He also craves the addictive fast pace of owning a restaurant, fuelling the passion.

With an Italian-Brazilian background, Ed strongly believes “food is something sacred and feeding people is an honour.”

The biggest learning curve for him was to try not take short cuts with the quality of their production, as by doing everything the right and proper way they were able to get recognition.  

Traditional and authentic food from elsewhere can sometimes be foreign to palates not used to them, and there was fear when taking the risk to create Bomba, says Ed.

“But because of this authenticity we found a niche that has taken us to a reasonably successful point.”

Through knowledge, patience and drive, Bomba has been able to thrive in their community as they continue to progress in what feels like “a brand-new chapter” every day.

It’s obvious this unique Italian spot has something special, as they come with open arms and dedication to serve the community.

Ed continues to strive to bring smiles to Bomba’s customers’ faces through their Napoli style of food that comes straight from the heart. 

You can visit Bomba at 13 London Street, Lyttelton 8082.

Find out about the music licences that are right for your business here.